Melcourt Potting Bark [60L] (50/P) - Each

GTIN: 5060157810827
Weight (Volumetric): 25kg
Availability: 42
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Unit Price £12.47 Inc VAT (£10.39 Ex VAT) £11.53 Inc VAT (£9.61 Ex VAT) £10.91 Inc VAT (£9.09 Ex VAT)
(RRP £11.45 Save 5%) £10.91 Inc VAT (£9.09 Ex VAT) - £12.47 Inc VAT (£10.39 Ex VAT)
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Product Information
  • Melcourt

A matured, British pine bark chip, mid to dark brown in colour, with virtually no fines, designed for incorporation into peat-based or peat-free growing media, to improve both air-filled porosity and long term structural stability. Also an excellent pot mulch to suppress weed, moss and liverwort growth.

This product is from FSC Mix Sources at a minimum of 70% and is Soil Association approved.

Key Benefits

Pot Mulching

  • Coarse enough to present a dry surface and allow free passage of irrigation
  • Free-flowing, easily covering the entire surface of the pot with no gaps
  • Evenly graded so ready to knit into a resilient, wind-resistant surface
  • Resistant to shrinkage on drying so no gaps appear
  • Very easy to apply either by hand or by machine, with minimal requirement for protective clothing and no formal training required
  • Non-damaging to stock non-phytotoxic and no restriction on protected crops
  • Competitively priced against herbicide use and hand weeding
  • Long lasting enough to maintain an attractive appearance until the time of despatch a single application is all that is required Key Benefits in growing media
  • Promotes strong, active rooting
  • Considerably reduces winter losses caused by water logging Because virtually all fines have been removed, the entire product contributes substantially to improving air-filled porosity
  • Can be used on all types of standing out area, including sand beds, gravel and capillary matting
  • Enables up to 40% less peat to be used in the mix
  • Suitable for ericaceous and non-ericaceous subjects due to low pH
  • Allows complete flexibility of fertilizer additions due to low inherent nutrient content
  • Imparts long-lasting stability to compost

The incorporation of Melcourt Potting BarkTM can give a measure of pathogen suppression, as has been demonstrated in ADAS/HDC trials, where significant control of Fusarium wilt in cyclamen has been identified. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the phenomenon exists for other pathogens, including Botrytis and Pythium

Ideal for use in direct sticking media Excellent as an additive to a wide range of peat alternatives

  • Melcourt

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