The parasitic wasp duo against the whitefly combination
What is Eretmix-System?
- Combination of the black parasitic wasp Encarsia formosa and the lemon yellow wasp Eretmocerus eremicus
- Effective against the tobacco whitefly Bemisia tabaci and the greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum
What are the benefits of Eretmix-System?
- Can be used against mixed whitefly populations
- Both parasitic wasps kill whitefly larvae through host feeding
- E. formosa is efficient at low temperatures and prefers to parasitize the greenhouse whitefly
- E. eremicus is efficient at high temperatures and prefers to parasitize the tobacco whitefly
How does biocontrol control with Eretmix-System work?
- The females prefer to prick the young larvae and then suck them (host feeding)
- Female parasitic wasps parasitize the larvae from the second to the fourth stage
In which crops can you introduce Eretmix-System?
- Vegetable crops such as tomato and pepper
- Ornamental crops such as anthurium and poinsettia
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